Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
last blog entry
ik ga stoppen met deze weblog.
en op verzoek van al mijn 'fans' de reden is:
ik kwets bepaalde personen als ik schrijf wat ik wil schrijven. en ik ben juist deze blog begonnen om mijn verhaal kwijt te kunnen.
iedere geinteresseerde kan via de comments of mail een verzoek indienen om de url van mijn nieuwe blog op te vragen. ik kan alleen niet garanderen dat je 'm ook krijgt ;-)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Todi - Italy

i went on vacation to italy for two weeks. when i made the arrangement i still was with my boyfriend. but as you could read in a previous post there were getting bursts in this relation before the vacation.
so i asked a good friend of mine and he wanted to join me. we left friday at 9 o'clock after we picked up boris (the dog). saturday we arrived at our destination, a wonderful appartment in the middle of nowhere in umbria.
despite the situation i had a wonderful time. i read a lot, boris could run around freely, we went to see some nice cities: orvieto, todi, perugia, assisi. i prepared some nice meals which we ate accompanied by italian wine. ; )
and it was sunny most of the times.